Summer Landscaping Tips from Eagleson Landscape Co

Summer is often the time when homeowners get to enjoy the fruits of their spring landscaping labor. Plants are in bloom, the yard is green and the weather welcomes us outdoors. To keep your yard looking its best, we offer some summer landscaping tips for watering, fertilizing and planting during the heat.

Summer Watering Tips

Ponds and Water Features

More often than not, you really cannot water too much during the summer months, especially with how dry it has been here in Indiana. However, many homeowners get lulled into thinking a rain event has provided their landscape with enough moisture. If a good rainstorm comes in – and by good we mean we had a steady soaking rain for a few hours, not misted for five hours, or rained buckets for five minutes – there is no need to water again that day. We suggest you look underneath your plants after a rain event. If the ground looks wet there is a good chance they received enough water. If it is still dry, you will need to provide more. Don’t get fooled into thinking your plants have gotten enough water from a rainstorm, especially in these very hot summer months. A typical Indiana spring irrigates our landscapes well since they tend to be milder and cloudier than summer. When we are having heat indexes in 100s and intense sun, our landscapes need a lot of water, especially perennials and annuals. Also, if you have a plant in a pot, it needs to be watered every day. A general rule of thumb for summer is that while it is possible to overwater, it’s difficult to do!

Summer Fertilizing Tips

Our summer fertilizing advice is no different than what we suggest for spring: read the labels and be sure you know what you are doing. A general 14-14-14 fertilizer is appropriate to use until about a month before the expected first frost when your landscape starts to go to sleep. You can fertilize every 2 weeks or once a month, but it is really not necessary. The work you did in spring should have set up your plants to grow well during the summer. However, if your landscape is looking a bit stressed, you can give it some food and then water heavily for a little boost. If you do choose to fertilize regularly, you will get bigger, lusher plants. Be careful though – it is possible to over-fertilize. Make sure you read the directions!

Summer Planting Tips

Eagleson Landscaping_ flowers

There seems to be a prevailing myth that one should not plant during the summer. Pshaw, we say! Everything you can plant in spring and fall can be added during the summer too, it just takes a bit more TLC to keep things alive. New plants have small roots that have not had time to spread out into the surrounding soil, so they dry out very fast. Make sure to give them support while they establish themselves in the soil. Following planting instructions just like you do at any other time, just plan to stay on top of watering. By the way, spring and fall are not always great times to plant; frequent heavy spring rains can create muddy soil and fall can be dry and cold. Planting is less about timing and more about supporting your plants through the current weather.

We’ve got some favorite summer varietals for you to try out. Click on the links for more information.


Lantana – An annual in Indiana, these plants require full sun and come in lots of colors.






Bougainvillea – Gorgeous perennials on the West Coast and in the South, they are also annuals here in Indiana. However, you can enjoy them in a potted arrangement outside during the summer and bring them inside during the winter.


Geraniums – This annual plant is the classic 4th of July flower.






Impatiens – We love to plant this variety in potted arrangements.








Alyssum – A great plant to tuck into your vegetable garden for added color.







Let us know if you have any questions about caring for your landscape during the summer months. Send us an email, or give us a call at (317) 997-4803.



Eagleson Meadows