Summer Garden Fun: A Thank You from Eagleson Landscape Co


In June and July we were honored to host many visitors in our home garden, from the Indianapolis Hosta Society, Master Gardeners from Tennessee and You! While it is our joy to design, plant and maintain our landscape, knowing we were going to have all of these guests this summer forced us to really hone our efforts. Our reward was the joy of welcoming everyone and seeing their positive response to our designs. For instance, the Master Gardeners were only supposed to spend a ½ hour at our place but we ended up chatting for over an hour and a half. And, the Hosta Society first arrivals told others on the tour that it was worth making the trip to the hinterlands to see our place. Get gardening enthusiasts together and we cannot stop!


The idea behind holding an Open House for Eagleson Landscape Co clients came from you. Over the years, people have been curious about our gardens having seen them in our marketing content and as examples of our work. Many clients had come to visit them for themselves, but most had not. With our new home came more interest in seeing how we spend our time on the evenings and weekends, so we decided to open up the garden to everyone. We love plants, and we try new ones in our own landscaping first to see how they do here in Indiana so our clients are not the guinea pigs. This tactic also makes it easy to introduce new species to clients. We do the same with hardscape materials, working through installation and testing on our own time, not our clients’. So, while tending our garden is fun for us, it also helps our business. Our clients are better able to understand and visualize what we are looking to create for them. Also, they can see our creativity and have confidence that we can give them something truly unique.


Gardeners don’t garden for themselves, but to also share their garden with others – its part of the culture. It is a joy to have your passion appreciated by others, and getting different insights and input is always helpful. We visit gardens all over the county, every place we go, any chance we get, for those same reasons. So many gardens, so little time.

Thank you again to everyone who took the time to visit us this summer. Elizabeth and I were very honored by the number of clients who attended our evening soiree, and by the interest of those who wanted to be there but could not. Rest assured, we are always open to showing it off – just let us know!


Eagleson Meadows