Eagleson Landscape Family Update: What. A. Year.

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I can’t believe how this year has flown! I am glad to report that 2018 has been a year of health and happiness for the Eagleson Landscape family. The business has had the honor of installing many exciting and beautiful landscapes, and we are already looking into 2019 for more. However, we do more than work. Here is a little recap of the Eagleson Family’s 2018:

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Bill and Elizabeth hosted multiple events at their home over the summer, displaying their gardens to various groups. They also threw a party for our clients – thanks to those of you who were able to attend! In addition to sharing their beautiful landscape and Hosta collection, they traveled to many other gardens and nurseries in and out of the state. They also made their yearly trek to the Adirondacks, our family’s happy place. To sum it up, my parents spent much of the year working in their landscape and visiting with friends and family in their time off.

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My sister Katie is still living in Japan teaching English as a second language. Yes, she survived the extreme heat that hit the country this year! However, she says the lack of air conditioning was extremely unpleasant. She is loving life across the ocean and plans to stay for a few more years. She has had the opportunity to travel to Germany, as well as Korea with friends. To top off Katie’s year, she started taking graduate school classes to further her education.

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Finally, an update on my life! It’s been a big year for me. I had shoulder surgery, which I would NOT recommend to anyone. However, I am on the mend and my arm is better than it has been in nearly 10 years! My wife Danielle and I adopted 2 puppies and a kitten (and we definitely still have our sanity…yes…ha). Did you happen to catch what was the major cherry on top for me this year? Yes, Danielle and I got married!  We had a wonderful day and I couldn’t be happier to have married my best friend. She says she is happy too, thank goodness. We spent our honeymoon in Italy, traveling from Rome to Florence and finally to Venice. Now we are settled comfortably in our home and ready to take on the years to come!

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The Eagleson’s had a splendid 2018 and are truly grateful for good health and happiness. As a family, we were able to travel to the Outer Banks and spend time with extended family. It’s hard to believe this exciting year is coming to an end. Writing about it makes me realize how much we packed in. We hope you too had a wonderful year. From our family to yours, Happy Holidays!

-Sam Eagleson

Sam Eagleson