Eagleson Meadows is thrilled to be a part of the North Indy Farm Crawl again this year.
Saturday, September 23, 9am-6pm
Visit local farms, learn how your food is raised, and find inspiration for your home.
A self-guided tour of local farms, the Farm Crawl gives you an opportunity to get a peek inside the workings of the places where food is cultivated, flowers are grown, and farming is a lifestyle.
We will have our own unique Hosta, perennials, and shrubs, plus Elizabeth’s fabulous houseplants and dish gardens. And, the Eagleson Meadows Flower Farm will be offering cut flower bouquets to delight your kitchen table or special someone. Some local vendors will be joining us too: Village Farms Apiary and Tree Frog Nursery, as well as Jay Park with his rare Ginkos, and Randy Goodwin with his Hosta collection. Of course, we are offering garden tours, so if you missed stopping by in July, here’s your next chance to see all of our updates. Finally, our neighbors, Green Growers, are on the Farm Crawl map too so you’ll get two for one with a visit.

See you there!!